Symposiarchus trivirgatus  

Spectacled Monarch (Symposiarchus trivirgatus)
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© Geoff Walker 2008
Enoggera Reservoir, QLD (Jan, 2008)

I was innocently walking through the bush when I saw a guy entangled in some lantana struggling with a tripod and camera. I wandered up and said "g'day" and we got talking. It was Larry.

We got on straight away and ended up talking for an hour and a half. Many birds came and went as we talked and took photos. I had a Canon 400D and Canon 100-400L lens and Larry had a point and shoot.

I took many photos that morning while Larry's camera had great difficulty focussing and he missed many birds including this one. This was the first incident of a number of incidents that caused Larry to eventually invest in some better equipment. The last straw was missing a Bassian thrush in Maiala Rainforest.

I affectionately call this location "Larry's Corner"

Spectacled Monarch (Symposiarchus trivirgatus)

Spectacled Monarch

Spectacled Monarch (Symposiarchus trivirgatus)

Larry's Corner

Spectacled Monarch (Symposiarchus trivirgatus)

Spectacled Monarch

Spectacled Monarch (Symposiarchus trivirgatus)

Spectacled Monarch